Technical info

Technical info

Calcium Carbide technical info:

Calcium Carbide Grade Descriptions 14ND (fine grade)
GAS YIELD (Percent CaC2; Cubic Feet Acetylene/Pound):
Minimum Purity / Gas Yield: 70.0% / 4.18 cft./#
Pass through 0.0937" (2.4 mm. / 8 mesh U.S.) 100% Minimum
Pass through 0.0165" (0.4 mm. / 40 mesh U.S.) 5% Maximum

Miner’s (lamp grade-pea size 1/2" x 1/4")
GAS YIELD (Percent CaC2; Cubic Feet Acetylene/Pound):
Minimum Purity / Gas Yield: 75.4% / 4.50 cft./#
Pass through 0.625" (15.9 mm.) 100%Minimum
Pass through 0.0937" (2.4 mm. / 8 mesh U.S.) 5% Maximum

NUT grade (ROCKS 11/4" x 3/8")
GAS YIELD (Percent CaC2; Cubic Feet Acetylene/Pound):
Minimum Purity / Gas Yield: 75.4% / 4.50 cft./#
Pass through 1.25" (31.8 mm.) 100%Minimum
Pass through 0.25" (6.4 mm.) 5% Maximum

The percentage of acetylene gas to air for complete combustion is 7.73%.
If you were to fill a 55 gallon drum with the proper fuel/air mix, this is how much CaC2 you would need.55 gal = 7.35 cu/ft x 7.73% = 0.57 cu/ft of acetylene gas needed for proper mixture.
14ND produces 0.26 cu/ft per ounce.
Miner's and NUT grade produce 0.28 cu/ft per ounce.